Radon Emanation and Gamma Radiation from Granite Counter Laboratory now in full operatio
Associated Radon Services, a Florida Department of Health Certified Radon Measurement Laboratory and National Radon Proficiency Program Certified Primary Radon Analytical Laboratory, has expanded their field and laboratory services to include radon risk evaluations of granite building materials using technology the methods developed over the last 18 years of Radon/Radium 226 soil and building material investigation and analysis.
Granite Sample Radon Emanation & Gamma Radiation Measurement In Lab
A number of the reported highest elevated gross radiation granite counter top samples have been submitted from various areas outside of Florida for radon emanation lab analysis and surface radiation testing. This detailed analysis is in progress and preliminary results are expected early in September.
Gamma Radiation Scan & Multi-location Radon Testing Recommended
On site field measurement of gross gamma radiation with various Ludlum single channel gamma survey/analyzers equipped with calibrated Sodium Iodide (NaI) gamma scintillator detectors has been included with multi-location residential radon testing and offered to Florida homeowners. All of Associated Radon Services' Florida certified radon measurement field technicians now have gamma radiation survey equipment.
Pre-paid RADON EMANATION & GROSS GAMMA RADIATION testing fee schedule
1) Gross Gamma radiation scan test result units will be µR/hr above background , 1-3 day turnaround, recommend any size but full thickness of counter , $35.00 per sample
2) Radon emanation from surface test result unit will be pCi/sq.ft./second 2-8 day turnaround, sample size must accommodate minimum 9" diameter circle, $ 75.00 per sample (also available in the field)
3) Radon emanation from surface test result unit will be pCi/sq.ft./second 2-8 day turnaround SMALL sample size must accommodate maximum 3.5" diameter circle,no longer than 6" $ 75.00 per sample (10 or more samples $ 65.00 per sample)
Lab minimum run is 4 SMALL samples may be combined
4) Radon emanation from surface test result unit will be pCi/sq.ft./second 2-8 day turnaround LARGE, sample size up to 13" x 18" $ 150.00 per sample (singe sample run ok)
Payment must accompany samples, report can be E-Mail, Fax or Ist class mail
Must ship UPS, FEDX ground, or DHL no motor freight ; at this time we have 52 emanation chamber capacity ; contact KMLevy@radonserv.com or wlevy@radonserv.com Samples are held for 21 days and automatically disposed of unless other instructions are provided
Contact us! Associated Radon Services Info@associatedradonservices.com (772) 219-4334 --- FAX (772) 287-1341
Kieron Levy, Certified radon Measurement Specialist kmlevy@radonserv.com
Preliminary test data supplied sample analysis