Associated Radon Services has provided independent testing unbiased evaluation and analysis of radon problems in Florida since 1990. We specialize in radon testing and radon entry analysis in homes, condos, apartments, schools and complex commercial buildings
Our experienced certified Radon Measurement Specialists and Radon Mitigation Specialist stand ready to undertake any radon Testing assignment.
Radon Test Analysis and Radon Measurement
Short & long term USEPA and FL DOH protocol radon testing
FL DOH Mandatory protocol radon testing for schools and other licensed facilities
School, day care, nursing home radon testing while in use with hidden devices
Home, apartment, multi-family, condominium & commercial building radon testing
National Radon Proficiency Program certified radon analytical laboratory
Radon potential evaluation for building sites & unimproved land
Radon emanation testing from concrete, soil, granite, and other building materials
Soil and building material Radon emanation (Radium 226) testing
Gamma radiation surveys
Radon Investigation |
Radon source and entry path investigations in complex buildings including apartment complexes, commercial buildings, schools, and specialty types of construction |
Radon Mitigation and Reduction |
Mitigation system design, testing, evaluation & certification |
Utilizing HVAC modifications & air pressurization |
AirPro ventilation/pressurization radon emanation control in apartments and commercial applications |
Pre-construction radon mitigation system design |
Radon Risk/Liability Control
Risk & liability analysis
Risk & liability reduction
Project Management
Radon resistant construction feature design & installation
New construction radon control
Partial List of Radon Testing Equipment Available
E-perm based Radon measurement equipment, over 1000 devices owned
Continuous radon monitors
Specialized Radon entry analysis equipment
Radon emanation form concrete and building materials measurement devices
Radon soil gas measurement device
Radon in water measurement system
Gamma radiation measurement equipment
Indoor low natural ventilation rate measurement equipment
Removable radon mitigation system test system
Certifications and Licenses
Florida Department of Health:
Florida Department of Health Radon Measurement & Mitigation Specialist ( since 1990)
Florida Department of Health Radon Measurement Business # RB1654
Florida Department of Health Radon Mitigation Business # RB1406
Florida Department of Health Radon Measurement Specialists R1269 & R2047
Florida Department of Health Radon Mitigation Specialist R1318
National Environmental Health Association, National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP)
Residential Radon Measurement Provider #10021RT
Radon Analytical Laboratory # 101095AL1
Florida Dept of Business and Professional Regulation:
Florida DBPR Certified General Contractors
Florida DBPR Certified Standard Building Inspector
From Florida Department of Health Web Site
Are You Required To Test Your Facility For Radon?
Some 24 hour care facilities, state licensed day care centers and schools k-12 are required to test for radon according to Florida Statute 404.056. Previously the radon testing was required statewide. Currently, only facilities in certain counties are required to test for radon.
There are two different lists depending on the construction of the building. Buildings built as a single family home or duplex and that still meet that building code standard have one county list. All other types of buildings have another county list. Look for your county in the list below or check the linked maps. If your facility is not in one of the counties listed below, your facility is currently exempt from mandatory radon testing. See Map Link below
single family home or duplex (County MAP link) |
All other buildings (County Map Link) |
Alachua Brevard Charlotte Citrus De Soto Duval Gadsden Gilchrist Hardee Hernando Highlands Hillsborough Indian River Jackson Jefferson Leon Levy Manatee Marion Martin Nassau Osceola Polk Putnam Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Union Volusia Walton |
Alachua Brevard Broward Calhoun Charlotte Citrus Columbia Dade De Soto Dixie Duval Gadsden Gilchrist Gulf Hamilton Hardee Hernando Highlands Hillsborough Holmes Indian River Jackson Jefferson Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Martin Nassau Okaloosa Osceola Palm Beach Pasco Pinellas Polk Putnam St. Johns St. Lucie Sarasota Seminole Sumter Suwannee Taylor Union Volusia Walton |
Mandatory Radon Testing and Private School Sworn Compliance
As a condition of participating in state scholarship programs, private schools must complete an online a Scholarship Compliance Form. This form is to confirm that all private schools that receive state funds have met all applicable regulations. Mandatory radon testing may be one of those requirements
The compliance confirmation includes a section on mandatory radon testing. In section 8, question H, the section refers to "Mandatory Measurements Nonresidential Radon Measurement Report (Form DH1777), in accordance with s. 404.056, Florida Statutes, and 64E-5, Florida Administrative Code." In discussions with Department of Education, it was determined that the question asks if you met all the conditions of mandatory radon testing, when or if you were required to test.
The testing requirement has changed since its original inception in 1989. The materials the schools must have on hand to answer 'Yes' to the question will depend on how old the school is or how recently any structural changes were made to school buildings. These requirements are building specific rather than campus specific:
- For school buildings in continual use since before July 1st, 1994.
- There should be record of at least two sets of testing. The first set of testing records should be pre-July 1st, 1994 testing that includes tests of 100% of all first floor and below grade rooms, 20% of any second story rooms, and 10% of any third story rooms. Bathrooms, storage rooms and kitchens are excluded form testing. Hallways are excluded unless a seating area is designated in the hallway. The second set of testing would have been performed between July 1st, 1994 and June 30, 1999. For buildings with all results from the first round of testing below 4 pCi/l, there should be results for testing of 20% of the ground contact rooms. For buildings with results greater to or equal 4 pCi/l during the first round of testing, there should be results for testing of 100% of the ground contact rooms. This is required of all schools in all counties. There are no exempt counties.
- For school buildings opened between July 1st, 1994 and June 30th, 1999.
- You should have Form DH1777 showing testing in 100% of all first floor and below grade habitable rooms. Bathrooms, storage rooms and kitchens are excluded from testing. Hallways are excluded unless a seating area is designated in the hallway. This is a requirement of all schools in all counties. There are no exemptions for any school buildings in continuos use since before July 1, 1999. Follow-up radon testing is required in school buildings in the counties where mandatory radon testing is required for post July 1st, 1999 buildings. The follow-up testing shall include 5% of ground contact rooms that students use in each building. These tests should be started after 5 years of occupancy and reported by the end of the sixth year.
- For school buildings opened or structurally changed since July 1st, 1999.
- You should have a Form DH1777 showing radon tests from a minimum of 20% of the ground contact rooms that would normally be used by students. Bathrooms, storage rooms and kitchens are excluded from testing. Hallways are excluded unless a seating area is designated in the hallway. This radon testing requirement is county specific and certain counties are currently exempt from radon testing. See the current mandatory testing information for more details and exclusions. After five years of occupancy, 5% of the rooms used by students shall be retested. Thus, a school that opened September 1st, 1999 shall perform retesting after September 1st, 2004 and have it reported to this office by September 1st, 2005.
If you believe that you performed the required radon testing, but are unable to find copies of your reports, contact the Bureau of Community Environmental Health, Radon and Indoor Air Toxics, at 800-543-8279. If the reports were filed with this office, we will be able to provide you with copies of the testing results. If your facility failed to comply with the mandatory testing, or no proof can be found to verify compliance, you must complete radon testing in accordance with the following:
- For school buildings in continual use since before July 1st, 1994.
- Radon testing is required of all buildings statewide. If no testing was performed, immediately complete 100% testing of ground contact rooms in each building. These rooms will include all rooms that students would be expected to use or visit as part of their normal school experience. Classrooms, offices, fellowship halls, cafeteria, gymnasiums, and clinics are the types of rooms to include. Bathrooms, kitchens, storage, teacher lounges are excluded. Hallways are excluded unless a designated seating area is in the hallway. Schedule to perform retesting after five years based on the results of the initial testing. 100% of ground contact floors shall be tested in buildings with results greater than or equal to 4 pCi/l, and 20% of ground contact floors in buildings with all radon test results less than 4 pCi/l. If only initial radon testing was completed, perform retesting based on the results of the initial testing as specified in the previous paragraph.
- For school buildings opened between July 1st, 1994 and June 30th, 1999
- Radon testing is required of all buildings statewide. If no testing was performed, immediately complete 100% testing of ground contact rooms in each building. These rooms will include all rooms that students would be expected to use or visit as part of their normal school experience. Classrooms, offices, fellowship halls, cafeteria, gymnasiums, and clinics are the types of rooms to include. Bathrooms, kitchens, storage, teacher lounges are excluded. Hallways are excluded unless a designated seating area is in the hallway.
If your school is in a county where radon testing is required of post July 1st, 1999 buildings, a follow-up test will be required. Schedule for 5% of the ground contact student used rooms to be tested in each building. This testing shall be performed after five years from the date of the first tests. They should be reported by the end of the sixth year after the date of the tests. If the initial 100% testing was completed, but the retesting was not performed, perform the 5% retest now if it has been five years since the first tests.
- For School buildings opened or structurally changed since July 1st, 1999.
- Radon testing is required ONLY in select counties. If you are required to test the building, enough rooms shall be tested to include at least 20% of the ground contact rooms in each building. These rooms will include all rooms that students would be expected to use or visit as part of their normal school experience. Classrooms, offices, fellowship halls, cafeteria, gymnasiums, and clinics are the types of rooms to include. Bathrooms, kitchens, storage, teacher lounges are excluded. Hallways are excluded unless a designated seating area is in the hallway. See the current mandatory radon testing information for more details.
Contact Kieron Levy, Radon
Measurement Specialist Associated Radon Services
School Radon Testing Quotation (772) 219-4334 --- FAX (772) 287-1341