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2512 NE Mildred St
Jensen Beach, FL 34957
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Associated Radon Services
(772) 219-4334 --- FAX (772) 287-1341
August 24, 2004
Radon Source and Entry Evaluation Name removed
for client confidentially Condo
Naples, Florida
Preliminary report
The overall goal of this radon consulting assignment is to determine
the source, entry mechanism, and possible driving forces causing
elevated radon levels in the various upper floor condominium units
in the Name Removed Tower 16 story-building complex. With this information
it will be possible to determine the extent of the risk and potential
liability arising from elevated radon levels in the complexs
apartments and also to collect some of the data necessary for the
design of a radon mitigation system. The investigation and data
collection began on August 20, 2004. A review of the building plans
and specification was not within the scope of this assignment.
Measured Radon Levels
The radon test results indicate elevated radon levels in all
sample apartments on floors 1 through 15, the test results for floor
16 may indicate possible ventilation during the test or the A/C
may have been off. Detailed testing with continuous monitors in
units 1201 and 104 indicates radon levels similar to the other tests.
The ground floor south guest suite and unfinished kitchen area had
levels well below 4.0 pCi/l. All of the radon testing results are
contained in table 1. These radon test results are for diagnostic
purposes and some of the testing does not follow Florida DOH protocol
for residential radon testing.**
Radon measurements were also made in the halls adjacent to apartment
1201 and 104 with elevated results. A pair of radon test devices
was placed on top of the drop in panel in the south elevator with
results below 4.0 pCi/l. This eliminates the elevator installation
as a major radon source.
Gross Gamma Radiation Measurement
Gross gamma radiation measurements were taken on the concrete
floor surfaces in apartment 1201, 104, south guest suite, and the
unfinished kitchen area with similar elevated readings in the range
of 18 mR to 16 mR; the average for Florida outdoors is 6.8 mR.
Radon Soil gas Measurement
The radon soil gas levels were measured at locations adjacent
to the south, west and north side of the building with all results
below 20 count per minute with a W. Johnson Radon Sniffer - Detector
and 18 soil probe. The unfinished kitchen area was tested
at several plumbing block outs with the same equipment and had results
in the 40 to 60 CPM range, a low reading for soil radon gas. These
levels of radon soil gas are not consistent with indoor radon levels
in the range measured throughout the project.
Interior Pressure Differentials
Relative pressure differentials were measured between the interior
of apartment 1201 and the outside. With the A/C system operating
the apartment is in a slightly pressurized state, this would be
expected with the external location of the A/C utility room. The
utility room is under negative pressure due to the un-ducted return
air design. The radon level in this utility room area was slightly
above the main area of the apartment indicating a possible source
for radon from the open drain system. This is also a source for
excessive moisture pick up by the A/C system. Radon can be drawn
into any area of negative pressure. The existing return air system
may also present challenges to the efficient operation of an ERV
radon mitigation strategy.
Radon Flux (Emanation) from Concrete Surfaces
Testing for concrete slab radon flux was conducted on apartment
1201 AC utility room floor and on the ceramic tile floor surface
inside the unit, on the slab in the unfinished kitchen area floor
slab and on the vertical concrete column surface. A RadElec H E-Perm
propriety test method was utilized. There are no existing standards
or data relating to radon flux and to indoor radon levels.
Radon Flux From Concrete
net radon flux pCi/sq M/sec |
found in other building with elevated radon
Apt 1201 utility room |
0.304 |
0.150 - 0.750 |
Apt 1201
tile floor
0.0 increase
- 0.750
- 0.750
The evaluation did not discover a source of radon soil gas consistent
with the measured indoor radon levels. A major contribution from
some of the concrete building materials is suspected. Elevated indoor
radon levels were not present in the ground floor areas tested as
well as inside the elevator shaft enclosure.
A system to mitigate the radon utilizing Energy Recovery Ventilation
(ERV) technology may present some challenges due to the A/C system
& Apt # |
Location |
ID |
pCi/L |
Radon pCi/L |
Comment |
1201 |
A/C room
K181 |
10.6 |
10.6 |
1201 |
A/C room
K182 |
10.6 |
1201(B) |
K183 |
10.2 |
10.2 |
1201(B) |
K184 |
10.3 |
South |
Elev top |
K185 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
South |
Elev top |
K186 |
2.4 |
S Gnd Flr |
Unfin area |
K187 |
0.8 |
1.0 |
S Gnd Flr |
Unfin area |
K188 |
1.2 |
1507 |
LR |
K189 |
7.7 |
1607 |
LR |
K190 |
2.7 |
1407 |
LR |
K191 |
6.8 |
1207 |
LR |
K192 |
7.7 |
1107 |
LR |
K193 |
9.7 |
1007 |
LR |
K194 |
11.7 |
907 |
LR |
K195 |
8.1 |
807 |
LR |
K196 |
8.4 |
607 |
LR |
K197 |
9.7 |
507 |
LR |
K198 |
8.5 |
307 |
LR |
K199 |
6.7 |
107 |
LR |
K200 |
4.4 |
1201 |
LR |
8.5 |
104 |
LR |
8.0 |
S Guest |
RM |
1.5 |
S Hall |
X 1201 |
J161 |
6.4 |
6.5 |
S Hall |
X 1201 |
J162 |
6.6 |
S Hall |
X 104 |
J163 |
3.9 |
4.0 |
A/c off ?? |
S Hall |
X 104 |
J164 |
4.0 |
** the radon test results shown in this report are intended only
for use within the scope of this analysis, some radon tests were
placed and retrieved by non-DOH certified individuals.
Post report note:
One of the subject units was successfully mitigated to acceptable
radon levels utilizing an Energy Recovery Ventilation system and
AirPro pressurization techniques by Radon Mitigation Services, Geneva
FL 800-344-3746, others are scheduled for the future /WL
Associated Radon Services
has provided radon testing, entry analysis and mitigation design
consulting since 1990 and is:
Florida DOH Radon Measurement
Business Certification RB1654 Florida DOH Radon Measurement Specialist
Certification R 1269
Florida DOH Radon Mitigation
Business Certification RB 1406 Florida DOH Radon Mitigation Specialist
Certification R 1318
National Radon Proficiency
Program Certified Residential Measurement Provider 100217 RT
National Radon Proficiency
Program Certified Residential Mitigation Provider 100739 RMT
National Radon Proficiency
Program Certified Radon Analytical Laboratory 101095 AL